Infomercial Monitoring Service (IMS) Report


It’s no secret that the IMS/Media Analytics’ legacy lies in long-form media tracking, but significant data shows that short-form is a force to be reckoned with today. Since 2013, Media Analytics has detected nearly 600,000 short-form campaigns including direct response products, brand advertisers, and Web-based services across national cable. Brand advertisers now vie for the same time slots they once frowned upon, and Web-based services grew significantly in 2014.

Business and Finance, Miscellaneous, and Health and Fitness products were the top three categories in 2014, according to the IMS Report’s Spot Direct Response Rankings. The growing convenience of the Web has played out in short-form among financial services (,, dating sites (,, and the ever-growing diet sector (Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem).

DR marketers have transformed a cost-effective strategy into an industry standard that continues to grow at an exponential rate. This month, Media Analytics puts the spotlight on the leading DR brands, services, categories, networks, and retailers that t
rived in short-form in 2014.